A Celebration of the Human Spirit
An Exhibition of Hot Cast Bronze Sculpture
By Karel Zijlstra opened on Saturday 17th of March
and runs until the end of April
This superb exhibition is our contribution to this years Sikka Art Fair
There is something very special about owning a “real sculpture,” especially a bronze one. They become part of you, their patina taking on the effects of being touched, their personality adding to the spirit of your home, you might even find yourself greeting them as you walk into their space.
It was our good fortune that Karel Zijlstra came across our website a couple of years ago and decided to contact us. The resulting show Black Cloth and Bronze with fellow artists Paul Wadsworth lit up the dark days in the middle of the recession. Karels work reminds one that life has more depth than the here and now and the spirit of past lives still fills the air we breathe.